Hydro-desulfurization Unit

Project number: 
UA Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Academic year: 
Removing sulfur from fossil fuels is necessary before being sold for on-road usage. When sulfur makes its way into the final fuel product, it turns into sulfur dioxide after combustion and releases into the atmosphere. This leads to environmental effects such as acid rain, haze and potential respiratory issues in humans and animals. Additionally, sulfur in diesel fuel can ruin the effectiveness of catalytic converters.

The team designed a catalytic hydro-desulfurization unit that processes 30,000 barrels per stream day of a blended straight run gas oil and light cycle oil feed. This produces an on-road diesel fuel that has a maximum sulfur content of 0.005% by weight, meeting necessary diesel fuel oil standards.

The hydrogen sulfide generated is converted to elemental sulfur or sulfuric acid and then sold. Elemental sulfur is vital in the fertilizer industry and agricultural processes. And sulfuric acid is used by many large-scale manufacturing plants.

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