Engineering Seniors Hit Home Stretch Toward Engineering Design Day 2018!

Feb. 16, 2018


Members of Team 16003 demonstrate their anti-drone device during Engineering Design Day 2017
Members of Team 16003 demonstrate their anti-drone device during Engineering Design Day 2017. The design earned the team $1,000 when they won the TRAX International Best Implementation of Agile Methodology award.


College of Engineering seniors have been working on their capstone projects all year, and April 30 steams ever closer, marking the moment these teams get a chance to showcase their incredible designs.

UA’s student engineers set off from their marks Aug. 24, 2017, during the Open House, where more than 450 students declared their interest in projects from an array of disciplines. When this year’s Design Day kicks off, teams will display 120 projects in the Student Union Ballroom and on the UA Mall for the expert judges, who will scrutinize each design against carefully constructed criteria.

Time is running out, so make your plans to join us for Engineering Design Day 2018! Contact us for details about how to attend.

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UA engineering students are ready to take your project from concept to reality.