Current & Past Projects

Current & Past Projects

Our student teams take on challenging and fulfilling real-world projects every year. Their projects span the grand challenges that humanity faces, big and small. Check out the exciting work going on in UA Interdisciplinary Capstone.

# Title Sponsor
25501 Autonomous Garbage Can Craig M. Berge Dean's Fund
25502 Cat Cannon BATYL Industries
25503 Racing the Sun – Autonomously UA Department of Systems and Industrial Engineering
25504 Design and Validation of a Lateral Flow Assay Device for Neonatal Bilirubin Picterus AS
25505 Conceptual Design of a Heavy Cargo Lunar Lander Paragon Space Development Corp.
25506 Ground Transport and Mission Support System for a Mobile 2-meter Cassegrain Telescope Leading Edge Aviation Consulting
25507 3D Printing and Topological Optimization - The Holy Grail of Additive Manufacturing Cummings Aerospace
25508 3D Printer Plastic Filament Shredder Engineering Design Center
25509 Solar Panel Cleaning Drone Vijayan Chomatil - Project Sponsor
25510 Dental Instruments Design to Reduce Hand Fatigue Tucson Biological Dentistry
25511 SEMILITHO: Semiconductor Lithography Tool Prototype UA Materials Science and Engineering
25512 Rocket Motor Thrust Stand and Instrumentation Nobel

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UA engineering students are ready to take your project from concept to reality.