West Speedway Boulevard Reconstruction

Project number
UA Department of Civil and Architecural Engineering and Mechanics
Academic year
In Tucson, Arizona, a new engineering design improves the Speedway Boulevard corridor, from Camino de Oeste to Painted Hills Road, from a two-lane road to a modern three-lane urban collector roadway with paved shoulders. Improvements include horizontal and vertical geometry, intersection realignments, traffic control elements, improved drainage conveyance, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, a new bridge over an existing wash, and ADA accessibility.

The new design improves public safety with the elimination of substandard curves and line-of-sight conditions, and the addition of a continuous center turn lane for improved access and reduced traffic congestion, bicycle-accessible paved shoulders, and an ADA-accessible pathway.

Engineering work addressed roadway design, traffic analysis, hydrology and channel hydraulics, geotechnical analysis, pavement design, bridge design and other structural elements, utility relocations, environmental requirements, construction considerations, cost estimating, and scheduling.

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