Opportunistic Radio Signal Positioning and Navigation (ORSPaN)

Project number
General Dynamics
Academic year
Project Objective: Develop a machine learning algorithm capable of distinguishing between at least three different locations based on collected radio frequency signals.
While the Global Positioning System (GPS) remains the prime mechanism for determining users’ locations around the globe, interference and other environmental factors may prevent acquisition of a GPS signal. One potential solution to this problem is to exploit radio frequency (RF) signals, like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and cellular and radio station towers. The diverse nature of these signals, in terms of strength and bandwidth, can act as unique “RF fingerprints” for distinguishing between different environments and locations. Thus, it is of interest to investigate the feasibility of determining a user’s location based solely on the combination of RF signals present in their environment.
This project uses machine learning to distinguish between locations based on their RF fingerprints. Throughout the duration of this project, multiple algorithms were explored to determine the optimal method for a identifying a user’s location.

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