Design and Validation of a Lateral Flow Assay Device for Neonatal Bilirubin

Project number
Picterus AS
Design and evaluation of a lateral flow test device for Point-of-Care neonatal bilirubin measurement in regions with limited access to lab testing. High levels of bilirubin in the bloodstream cause jaundice, and can lead to severe disability and sometimes death when timely treatment is not administered. This test will work with Picterus's smartphone app to allow rapid bilirubin measurement by caretakers for newborns in regions where lab testing of blood samples is not readily available.

Students will select appropriate test strip materials from several commercially available options and evaluate fabrication methods based on performance and cost considerations. Students will design a plastic clip that will be used to attach the lateral flow test strip to Picterus's calibration card for use with Picterus's mobile app. The mobile app allows a user to take photos of the lateral flow test strip and calibration card using a smartphone's camera and calculates the level of bilirubin in the blood. The plastic clip will be designed to accept a small blood sample and expose the lateral flow test strip to the blood in a controlled manner. The clip and test strip performance will then be tested together using the Picterus mobile app in a lab setting.

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