Project number
UA Department of Civil and Architecural Engineering and Mechanics
Academic year
Project Goal: Create a design concept report for the Valencia Road corridor from Pantano Road to Nexus Road, including improvements at the Atterbury Wash structure.
This design concept proposes sustainable, solutions-oriented improvements to the two-lane Valencia Road. It calls for changing it to a fully functional, four-lane, urban collector roadway with a center median, paved shoulders and an ADA-accessible multiuse pathway.
Other improvements include horizontal and vertical roadway geometry, intersection realignments, traffic control elements, improved drainage along the entire corridor, and adjustments to the Atterbury Wash intersection structure. Engineering work includes roadway design, traffic analysis, hydrology and channel hydraulics, geotechnical analysis, pavement design, bridge and culvert design and analysis of alternative structures, utility relocation, environmental requirements, construction considerations, cost estimation and project scheduling. The team consulted more than 20 industry mentors to finalize the design concept report.
The increased capacity for this collector road benefits travel demand for the businesses along Valencia Road and for Mesquite Elementary School near Harrison Greenway.
This design concept proposes sustainable, solutions-oriented improvements to the two-lane Valencia Road. It calls for changing it to a fully functional, four-lane, urban collector roadway with a center median, paved shoulders and an ADA-accessible multiuse pathway.
Other improvements include horizontal and vertical roadway geometry, intersection realignments, traffic control elements, improved drainage along the entire corridor, and adjustments to the Atterbury Wash intersection structure. Engineering work includes roadway design, traffic analysis, hydrology and channel hydraulics, geotechnical analysis, pavement design, bridge and culvert design and analysis of alternative structures, utility relocation, environmental requirements, construction considerations, cost estimation and project scheduling. The team consulted more than 20 industry mentors to finalize the design concept report.
The increased capacity for this collector road benefits travel demand for the businesses along Valencia Road and for Mesquite Elementary School near Harrison Greenway.