Preliminary Design Study for a Blended Wing Body Seaplane

Project number
The New Nose Company, Inc.
NNC is investigating the feasibility for a long range amphibious seaplane to support offshore missions. The primary mission includes deploying divers, submersibles, and other payloads at sea. Secondary missions include maritime surveillance and search & rescue. This project will expand on the initial concept definitions NNC is exploring.

The basic airframe will employ a blended wing body (BWB) configuration incorporating an integral catamaran hull and a cargo door for payload ingress & egress.
(1) Work with NNC engineering to define several airframe and powerplant conceptual configurations that merit initial evaluation based on the NNC supplied Requirements Specification.
(2) Perform initial sizing, configuration layout, & propulsion integration design studies.
(3) With NNC concurrence, identify 1 or more candidates for further development.
(4) Refine the down-selected configuration(s) with additional design detail.
(5) Model airframe & hull and perform basic CFD simulations to determine the representative airframe L/D and identify drag reduction strategies.
(6) Perform a Stability & Control Analysis to determine if a conventional control system is satisfactory, or if a Fly-By-Wire control system will be needed.
(7) Develop a preliminary Structural Layout for the airframe.
(8) Build (3D print) a model and verify CFD simulation data with wind tunnel data.

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