Project number
Parker Meggitt
Parker Meggitt is looking to develop a platform to demonstrate new technology in the aerospace camera market. The system will simulate an aircraft with multiple cameras installed, and display the views as a single "Birds eye view". Additionally, the display will highlight objects that are near the aircraft to aid in collision avoidance.
The requirements for the system are:
1) The system shall provide a birds eye view of the area surrounding an aircraft model.
2) The system shall detect and highlight objects that are near the aircraft model.
3) Objects that will collide with the aircraft model shall be highlighted in a different manner.
4) The cameras shall be installed on an aircraft model.
5) The aircraft model shall be less than 24”wide x 24”long x 12” tall.
6) The system shall provide means to display each camera view individually.
7) The system shall require no more than one cable/harness interface to the aircraft model.
The requirements for the system are:
1) The system shall provide a birds eye view of the area surrounding an aircraft model.
2) The system shall detect and highlight objects that are near the aircraft model.
3) Objects that will collide with the aircraft model shall be highlighted in a different manner.
4) The cameras shall be installed on an aircraft model.
5) The aircraft model shall be less than 24”wide x 24”long x 12” tall.
6) The system shall provide means to display each camera view individually.
7) The system shall require no more than one cable/harness interface to the aircraft model.