Project number
Academic year
This project’s objective is to reduce the time taken for someone experiencing sudden cardiac arrest to receive medical attention, because their chance of survival decreases by 10 percent every minute after the onset of the attack. The team achieved this goal by designing and building a neighborhood network of automatic external defibrillators, or AEDs.
When someone on the AED network experiences a cardiac attack, they press a button on the in-home network device. This signals their neighbors’ devices, which produce an audio and flashing light alert similar to a fire alarm.
The address of the person experiencing the attack is displayed on the device screen of the responder, who takes the AED to the caller’s home and administers it. The device of the person experiencing the attack also calls 911 so someone can talk to a dispatcher about the medical emergency.
When someone on the AED network experiences a cardiac attack, they press a button on the in-home network device. This signals their neighbors’ devices, which produce an audio and flashing light alert similar to a fire alarm.
The address of the person experiencing the attack is displayed on the device screen of the responder, who takes the AED to the caller’s home and administers it. The device of the person experiencing the attack also calls 911 so someone can talk to a dispatcher about the medical emergency.