Valencia Road Improvements - Pantano Road to Atterbury Wash

Project number: 
UA Department of Civil and Architecural Engineering and Mechanics
Academic year: 
Project Goal: Produce a design concept report for improving Valencia Road from Old Vail Road to Nexus Road and at the Atterbury Wash.

The design concept improves the existing two-lane sections of Valencia Road to comply with modern standards for a four-lane, urban collector roadway with a center median and paved shoulders. The improvements also include intersection realignment, signalization, better drainage conveyance, vertical and horizontal geometry, and a new bridge over a major regional wash.

More transportation accessibility and options that increase public safety for the community are provided by adding ADA-compliant, bicycle-accessible paved shoulders and a continuous center turn lane for easier access and reduced traffic density. Topographic maps and hydraulic flows reveal the right design for the right lay of the land.

The team used roadway design, traffic analysis, geotechnical analysis and pavement design, structural design, utility coordination and relocation, while considering environmental and sustainability factors, cost estimation and scheduling. Balancing project cost, public needs and environmental protection results in a sustainable solution.

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