Monoclonal Antibody Manufacturing

Project number
UA Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Academic year
Project Goal: Create a continuous process to manufacture monoclonal antibodies for metastatic breast cancer.

Treatment for certain breast cancers includes the combination of oral chemotherapy and HER-2 trastuzumab, which is a recombinant humanized IgG1 monoclonal antibody. Antibody manufacturing is processed as a batch system, which results in product inconsistency and requires charging and discharging between reactor batches. A continuous manufacturing simulation for monoclonal breast cancer antibodies addresses some of these issues.

This project modeled the behavior of a continuous stirred bioreactor and subsequent purification steps. The design takes into account eight processing steps – centrifugation, capture chromatography, low pH virus inactivation mixer, depth filtration, anion and cation exchange chromatography, small virus filtration and ultrafiltration. The process results in a mixture dried to a powder and stored for distribution.

High-performance liquid chromatography verified the final samples meet the desired concentration.

University of Arizona SME/NSSGA Student Design Competition

Project number
UA Mining & Geological Engineering Department
Academic year
Project Goal: Develop an efficient and systematic mine plan for the annual student design competition put on by the Society of Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration and the National Stone, Sand and Gravel Association.

This competition called for an optimum design of the Greenback Quarry in Loudon County, Tennessee. The company ordered an extensive Request for Proposal, including operational and reclamation plans, market analysis and a financial overview.

A minerology analysis of core logs taken from the site showed primarily dolomite and limestone, indicating that the quarry operation would be successful. Hexagon's MinePlan-3D software calculated the feasible resources and reserves. With this information and a production requirement of 380,000 tons per year, the team developed multiple pit designs and an operational plan that limited unnecessary haulage routes to an aggregate processing facility. The pit design consisted of 26 million tons of minable reserves, resulting in a scheduled quarry life of 62 years. The shutdown plan focused on reclaiming the site as a butterfly sanctuary to help boost local tourism. The quarry design plan had net present value of $3.1 million and a 21% internal rate of return.

The team of University of Arizona seniors placed first in the annual international contest.

New Tunnel and Ramp Entrance for the San Xavier Mining Laboratory

Project number
San Xavier Mining Laboratory
Academic year
Project Goal: Determine and calculate the resources, skills and techniques needed for constructing an additional tunnel and ramp entrance for the San Xavier Mining Laboratory.

The San Xavier Mining Laboratory, run by the University of Arizona as a hands-on educational resource for students, also is available for companies to test equipment and practices. Expansions of the underground mine are underway to accommodate all of its uses. With an eye toward an environmentally friendly operation, this team worked on finding the most efficient design for a new mine entrance.

This design for a new adit, or horizontal mine entrance, factors in scale and schematics. It integrates analysis of source, amount and cost of electricity as well as construction equipment and labor costs. Calculations of ground support needs and appropriate blasting and drilling techniques also informed the design. Additionally, the planned waste pile location lent itself to an environmentally sound design.

Mine Vehicle On-site Trolley Assist

Project number
Komatsu Ltd.
Academic year
Project Goal: Determine the effect of an electric trolley assist system on cycle times, productivity and overall unit cost of an example mine.

Diesel fuel and engine maintenance is a significant expense at many mining sites. An electric trolley assist device can reduce unit cost of a mine. To save on fuel and maintenance expenses, this type of system enables haul trucks to run off external electric power, usually provided via an overhaul wire, instead of their internal engines.

This project used the example of Sunrise Dam Gold Mine in Western Australia, which has a permanent road infrastructure, to assess performance of three orientations of various trolley assists. Adapting the trolley assist model to Komatsu Ltd. equipment allowed for a mirror of the original non-trolley output for control purposes.

Analysis of Google Earth Pro data considered factors such as travel distance, slope grade and equipment speed relative to grade. Microsoft Excel was used to calculate and determine cycle times. Queuing theory factored in efficiency considerations. And, power available to the electric drive system affected limits on the number of vehicles the trolley could handle.

On-site Test Capability for the Large Binocular Telescope Observatory

Project number
UA Large Binocular Telescope Observatory
Academic year
Project Goal: Create a small, portable microcontroller-based device for on-site testing of the Large Binocular Telescope.

A problem with the actuator in the Large Binocular Telescope Observatory has resulted in replacement of the entire assembly. This tool will enable workers to isolate actuator problems and target parts for replacement.

The test mechanism, fabricated with a portable, durable and reliable casing, focuses exclusively on the actuator board electronics. Novel hardware and software integrates with existing hardware and software on the M1 boards. The actuator boards’ Price Intelligent Controllers issue force commands that are read as a digital signal and sent with feedback to the actuator boards as an analog signal. A USB exchanges data with a command-and-control host computer, creating a simple communication procedure and allowing for controlled manipulation of test procedures to clearly define faulty controller routines.

With this tool, operating staff can determine the root cause of the problem, and the observatory has the option of replacing a problematic actuator board rather than the entire actuator assembly.

Pressure Regulating System for a Mars Habitat

Project number
UA Biosphere 2
Academic year
Project Goal: Design a system that maintains a positive pressure in a closed Moon and Mars habitat to prevent the introduction of foreign contaminants.

Maintaining a pressurized vessel is paramount to human survival in the hostile environment of the Moon or Mars. The Automated Pressure Regulation System will ultimately be attached to a high-fidelity Mars habitat analog at Biosphere 2 as part of research into off-world habitation.

The APRS prototype is attached to a one-tenth-scale model of the analog crew quarters. An array of sensors and a Raspberry Pi computer detect the internal pressure of the living quarters. Based on these readings, the system uses a compressor and solenoid valve to either store air in tanks or release air into the system to maintain a steady pressure. A user interface enables the crew to monitor real-time internal and ambient pressures. The system can be operated in either automatic or manual mode.

The scale model properly maintains the required positive pressure differential, thus validating the design. With testing concluded, the APRS is ready for full-scale implementation.

Bi-material Sealing Interface for Space-Based Life Support Systems

Project number
Honeywell Aerospace
Academic year
Project Goal: Design a serviceable high-temperature metal-to-ceramic seal for Honeywell's life support system aboard the International Space Station.

Long-distance space travel is possible with a closed-loop oxygen regeneration system that restores CO2 into breathable air. While this can be achieved using methane pyrolysis, conventional sealing designs cannot handle the required elevated temperatures of approximately 500 degrees Celsius. A better seal would improve this process.

The team designed a mechanical seal for the ceramic cylinder in the methane pyrolysis reactor. It uses Inconel and silicon nitride materials, capable of handling temperatures well above the requirement. Parametric modeling software facilitated the design, which was then verified with finite element analysis tools.

To minimize leakage due to thermal expansion, the metal interface uses a specific locking geometry and an Inconel 718 gasket. This provides an interface that is easy to service, resistant to changes in temperature and ensures a long and reliable service life

Optimization Model for a Space-based Life Support Thermal Management System

Project number
Honeywell Aerospace
Academic year
Project Goal: Develop an optimization model for a space-based thermal management system for a methane pyrolysis reactor.

Oxygen recovery rate for life support systems is currently limited to 50%, in part because modern systems vent waste methane. However, developments with methane pyrolysis mean that 100% oxygen recovery is feasible. The process requires extremely high temperatures, which must be properly managed for a space-based environment.

This model implements heat transfer and thermodynamic processes to calculate thermal properties of a theoretical thermal management system. It considers the constraints and limitations on the system, then calculates a range of potential dimensions and materials, giving the user a variety of options. The system converts the thermal and physical properties calculated to an equivalent system mass, which is used as a metric to choose an optimal design.

As a result, the most optimal design for the reactor is chosen from any set of provided information.

Distortion Metrology Test for Large Field Lens

Project number
Academic year
Project Goal: Research and develop a prototype metrology test for distortion and field curvature that will enable ASML to accurately test a specific large field-of-view lens used in their lithography systems.

It is important to minimize aberrations when designing and assembling an optical system. Finding the main source of each aberration in an assembled system requires physically measuring the aberrations contributed by each optical element within the system.

This prototype metrology test uses moiré fringes to accurately measure the distortion and field curvature of a wide field-of-view test lens. The lens images an object’s space grating under test and projects it onto an image space grating, which creates a moiré fringe pattern. A camera then captures the distorted pattern, which is analyzed by custom-developed MATLAB code. The result is the amount of distortion and field curvature produced by the lens.

Laser Communications Fine Tracker

Project number
Academic year
Project Goal: Remove the error from an emulated satellite laser communication so that 90% or more of the maximum power of the signal is received.

Satellites communicate through ultra high and super high radio frequencies, which are between 10 and 100 times slower than laser communications. However, calibration systems for laser communications are slow and time consuming, so they cannot accurately track low earth orbiting satellites. A faster system that can better catch the beam would make significantly more data available from each stream.

This design has two sub-systems, mounted to a standard optical table. An error emulator, which replicates the real-error in a satellite communication signal, uses a piezoelectric mirror to induce jitter in an F/6.8 1550nm continuous-wave laser signal replicating a 0.5m telescope. The second subsystem, a laser tracker, which stabilizes the beam and removes error from the signal, focuses it onto an optical fiber that feeds to a power detector.

A fast-steering mirror in a closed-loop configuration with a position sensing detector maintains the beam's position on the optical fiber. With this system, 90% of the maximum incident beam power on the optical fiber is autonomously maintained.

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