Polarimeter for Ice Detection
Project number
UA College of Optical Sciences
Academic year
Black ice on road surfaces is nearly invisible to drivers and poses a significant safety hazard. Additionally, saline deicing fluid is often applied excessively, which is costly in terms of manpower and corrosion to infrastructure. The Polarization Lab in the College of Optical Sciences at the University of Arizona has completed preliminary laboratory research that suggests polarization may be an effective way to remotely detect ice on a road surface. The objective of this project was to develop a new instrument for gathering polarization data in the field. The completed system includes a full-Stokes imaging camera and a custom-designed near-infrared spotlight for irradiance at 760 nm. The associated software captures and processes a polarization image and makes a prediction about the state of the road surface. If data and results from this instrument support the preliminary research, deployment of polarimetric systems for ice detection could save lives and money.