Dynamic Pressure Polishing Head

Project number
PACE Technologies
Academic year
The team was asked to deliver to deliver a dynamic polishing head that removes the need for an operator. The polishing device has a polishing head, a micro distance laser to sense deviations in the sample, a base and motors to hold the system and mechanically control the parts, and a microcontroller to interpret and act upon the data received from the laser sensor. The polishing head recognizes where a given sample has higher removal rates, and adjusts the polishing pressure accordingly to achieve the flattest possible surface. The prototype was built to the sample material’s specifications, so the operator will only have to turn the machine on and off. This design will be a prototype that will allow PACE Technologies to evaluate the feasibility of running grinding and polishing machines without an operator.

Ambient Embedded Intelligence for Assisted Living

Project number
The Western Design Center Inc.
Academic year
The main objectives of this project are to develop a prototype of a device for use by people in need of assisted living, and to develop a lesson plan for elementary, middle, and high school students that sparks their interest in STEM fields.
The team designed a device that uses Western Design Center's standard chip Xxcelr8r board, or SXB, to coordinate an IMU, temperature sensor, and pulse oximeter with a smartphone application. The device detects falls and ambient temperature, and conveniently displays the information from the boards and pulse oximeter on a smartphone. Device components are held in a case produced by 3-D printing, which can be kept on the user's hip along with holders for the smartphone and pulse oximeter. The smartphone application can analyze data received from the device components and send an emergency message to designated recipients.

ASME Human-Powered Vehicle

Project number
UA American Society of Mechanical Engineers Student Chapter
Academic year
The goal of this project is to design and build sustainable, practical, and competitive transportation alternatives called human-powered vehicles. These vehicles commonly consist of a recumbent-style frame, traditional bicycle drivetrain, and an aerodynamic full fairing or shell. The frame must be lightweight and economical. The frame determines the critical loading points needed to integrate the drivetrain and fairing components and was completed first. Like modern bicycles the drivetrain was designed with different gear ratios to allow for a wide range of speeds, topping out at more than 50 miles per hour. The final component is the fairing, which must not exceed the customer’s desired maximum weight of 60 pounds. Another key feature of the fairing is the roll-protection system that protects the driver in the event of a rollover. Other features, such as lights, mirrors, and a parcel compartment, were installed to provide a safer, more comfortable commute. The team competed in the annual American Society of Mechanical Engineers Human Powered Vehicle Challenge to test the practicality, speed, design, and durability of the vehicle.

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