
Project number
Tucson Electric Power
Academic year
Project Goal: Visually explain the modern electric grid in an accessible and portable format.

An IoT based system for at-home behavioral and physiological health interventions.

Project number
UA Center for Biomedical Informatics & Biostatistics
Academic year
Health interventions in at-home settings that collect physiological and behavioral data have seen rapid adoption of wearables technologies. Traditionally health science researchers have collected this data by requiring participants to come into the clinic. The data is often manually entered by participants using web based forms. Additionally methods providing customized feedback on progress to participants is fairly limited. Collectively these constraints limit the number of participants that can be enrolled in a study and often makes it challenging to ensure their sustained participation over the span of the intervention.

With recent advances in smart speakers and digital assistants with conversational AI capabilities such as Amazon Alexa, low cost wearables such as Fitbit and availability of smart home appliances such as programmable LED bulbs, the ability to implement a flexible, extensible and affordable Ambient Technology based health intervention with commercial off the shelf (CoTS) components is within reach for researchers. We would like to create a prototype for an integrated platform that utilizes FitBit devices to obtain physiological data and Amazon Alexa for interactive behavioral data capture, feedback and coordination with IoT devices such as LED lights.

Scope: (1) Design a system that allows researchers to ask participants specific set of questions through Alexa. (2) Capture participants' responses (3) Schedule conversational questionnaires based on time of the day or specific events/triggers.(4) Obtain data from FitBit wearable device and trigger specific questionnaires based on conditions (5) Develop a solution housing Alexa and home IoT devices to grab participant attentions for unfinished questionnaires and triggers.

Pressure Sensing Self-Retaining Retractors

Project number
UA Department of Biomedical Engineering
Academic year
When performing surgical procedures, surgeons will commonly use self-retaining retractors in order to facilitate visualization of the surgical field without the need for an assistant to retract the soft tissues. One potential complication of using self-retaining retractors is that excessive pressure can be applied to the soft tissues for extended periods of time. This can lead to problems, in particular nerve palsies that can cause pain and functional problems for patients. The purpose of this project is to design a self-retaining retractor that can measure pressure at the retainer-tissue interface. This equipment can then alert the surgeon if excessive pressure is being applied to minimize the chances of irreversible soft tissue trauma.

Airplane Controls for Armless Pilots

Project number
Rightfooted Foundation
Academic year
Jessica Cox is a graduate of the University of Arizona and the world's first armless pilot. She initially trained in and currently flies an Ercoupe. This airplane does not have rudder pedals. This allows Jessica to control the airplane and work the radios/navigation equipment with her feet. Jessica and her husband are currently working on building a Van's RV10, a larger, 4-seat airplane that is faster and more capable than an Ercoupe. This plane necessitates the use of rudder pedals for yaw control. The purpose of the this project is to design and build a control system for a Van's RV10 that can be used without arms and allows for 6-axis control of the airplane while allowing Jessica to control the navigation aids and radios.

Mirror Distortion Measurement

Project number
Caterpillar Inc.
Academic year
Provide a quantifiable measurement for distortion in spherical radius mirrors
Be functional in a production environment
Time to perform inspection ≤20 seconds' target
Be adaptable to multiple mirror size and shapes
Primary concern:
16 x 24 inches (curved)
13.75 x 17.75 inches (curved)
Secondary concern:
4 x 12 inches (curved)
14 x 48 inches (flat)
Process must be repeatable
Process must be able to be used across multiple organizations

Design of Remote-Controlled Automation of the Transformer Bioreactor

Project number
UA Department of Biosystems Engineering
Academic year
Design a prototype of the remote-controlled automated Transformer Bioreactor (TBR) based on the students' own designs of the efficient mechanical and electronic mechanisms needed while subject to the biological constraints of the cells to be grown in the TBR.

Smart Medical Drainage Catheter

Project number
BD (Becton Dickinson)
Academic year
Approximately 2 million U.S. residents will develop excess fluid known as pleural effusions or ascites due to underlying terminal conditions. This excess fluid pushes on the internal organs making it difficult to breathe, eat, walk around, or conduct other normal daily activities. One treatment available is to have an Indwelling Pleural or Peritoneal Catheter implanted so that the patient can drain their excess fluid at home instead of having to go into the hospital. The patient uses bottles or bags to collect the fluid when their symptoms develop to collect and dispose of the excess fluid.

Project Scope:
Develop a functional prototype of an implantable smart medical drainage catheter that is able to:
1. Remove excess fluids from a bodily cavity and be collected into a sealed container to be disposed of safely (similar to existing drainage catheter devices on the market).
2. Automatically measure, record, and preferably wirelessly communicate the following parameters from the fluid in-line during removal:
- Total quantity of fluid drained over time
- Time and duration of drainage procedures
- Detection of clogs
- Biometric Measurements of Fluid: pH, oxygen, glucose, temperature

Lightning Protection Garments for Injury Prevention

Project number
Zolt Technology LLC
Academic year
Retest existing garment prototypes (jacket, shirts, pants) with various metallic materials in them with different configurations. In addition, build and test helmet and backpack, using different materials and including nanotechnology. Graphene has come down in cost and is lightweight, and easy to incorporate in materials. We will need a mannequin, either the one we have or build a new one, that can measure voltage over chest wall/heart and skull area. We would also like to measure current and temperature. The mannequin and prototypes will then be tested at DNB engineering laboratories in Anaheim where they have a Marx Generator that can deliver 3 million volts. We will try and replicate lightning with direct and side splash voltage.

Website -

DED Repair with Integrated Machining

Project number
Honeywell Aerospace
Academic year
Aftermarket repair and overhaul of turbine engines is a vital and necessary service that ensures continued operation and reliability for the operators. Due to the harsh environment and extreme operating conditions, many turbine engine components need some degree of repair to restore the functionality of the part. One of the most common repairs utilizes welding, specifically weld build-up of the damaged area and then machining to restore dimensions. To perform this repair, the traditional process includes the following steps: (1) machine the damaged area away in preparation for weld, (2) manually weld the damaged area with sufficient metal, and (3) final machine the weld build-up to finish dimensions.
The University of Arizona has obtained a Meltio DED+CNC machine that is capable of both welding and machining in one machine cell. This project will explore the ability of the machine to perform the traditional repair steps outlined above – including automation of the weld repair and automation of the machining steps. The capstone group will focus their efforts on a turbine bearing housing – or a similar geometry – where the damaged half is cut away and then welded and machined back to intended dimensions

Spin Balance Mechanism

Project number
Northrop Grumman
Academic year
The objective of this project is to design a spin balance mechanism. The mass properties measurement system will be designed to accurately measure the center of gravity in each axis. In addition, the mechanism will measure the associated moments or inertia (MOIs) and products of inertia (POIs) in each axis through spin balance.

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