My Health Navigator
Project number
BFC Medical
Academic year
1) Work with UA engineering students on creation of a working prototype of a smart phone application for patients and their family to use in the inpatient hospital setting. 2) There are several “versions” of that app - one that is designed for patients and their families to interface with, a version of the app for physicians to use, and an intranet/desktop version to be utilized by hospital staff to provide the information and data to populate the different versions of the app. 3) The app will focus on identifying the different members of a patients care team such as doctors, nurses, therapists; the app will send alerts to patients so they know roughly when providers will be seeing them; the app will allow patients to store questions; the app will allow patients to store their lists of medications, allergies, list of medical problems 3) The goal is to test the prototype of the app on a floor of the hospital to gauge feedback from patients and determine the ability of the app to improve patient satisfaction scores. 4) Understand HIPPA compliance and how to protect patient information in the setting of a smart phone application will be an important part of this project. 5) Present results of the project at the end of year conference.