Terrain Exploration Analysis Machine

Project number
Academic year
The rover design is equipped with sensors and cameras that allow it to create 3D maps of the lunar surface, take pictures of the regolith and record solar radiation data.

The design uses a Raspberry Pi to store data and manage the onboard instruments. The robot has four legs to navigate the steep and rugged terrain. The tail is a linear actuator that can extend and retract to act as a fifth point of contact for the rover or change the robot’s center of gravity. The tail has an additional two motors that allow it to adjust its orientation. The arm has five motors that are used to maneuver equipment and any objects that block the robot’s path.

The team produced a prototype from 3D-printed components and easily obtainable electronics. This model tested the robot’s ability to walk, balance and navigate difficult terrain.

Hydro-desulfurization Unit

Project number
UA Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Academic year
Removing sulfur from fossil fuels is necessary before being sold for on-road usage. When sulfur makes its way into the final fuel product, it turns into sulfur dioxide after combustion and releases into the atmosphere. This leads to environmental effects such as acid rain, haze and potential respiratory issues in humans and animals. Additionally, sulfur in diesel fuel can ruin the effectiveness of catalytic converters.

The team designed a catalytic hydro-desulfurization unit that processes 30,000 barrels per stream day of a blended straight run gas oil and light cycle oil feed. This produces an on-road diesel fuel that has a maximum sulfur content of 0.005% by weight, meeting necessary diesel fuel oil standards.

The hydrogen sulfide generated is converted to elemental sulfur or sulfuric acid and then sold. Elemental sulfur is vital in the fertilizer industry and agricultural processes. And sulfuric acid is used by many large-scale manufacturing plants.

Liquified Natural Gas Receiving Terminal

Project number
UA Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Academic year
As the United States moves toward cleaner energy while facing growing energy demands, natural gas is growing in popularity. Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is easily transportable by tanker and can travel to places where pipelines cannot. This team designed an LNG receiving terminal in Massachusetts.

The terminal receives regular tanker shipments of LNG into a pair of large full-containment cryogenic storage tanks. These tanks have a secondary containment chamber to prevent leaks and spills, while maintaining the very low operating temperature. Boil-off gas from the tanks is compressed and used to fuel the vaporizing system. The re-gasification system uses a submerged combustion vaporizer which is heated by burning a small fraction of the facility’s natural gas. The gaseous natural gas is then sent to the pipeline for distribution. The terminal is designed to have an adjustable send-out rate to account for seasonal demand changes.

Alkylation unit

Project number
UA Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Academic year
A gasoline refinery in the Gulf Coast area produces 130,000 barrels per stream day of regular 87 octane and 93 premium grades. It originally used a methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) system as its means of alkylation. However, the use of MTBE has been phased out in the United States due to its damaging effects to the environment.

The team designed a replacement unit with a solid-acid catalyst as the means of alkylation. Solid phosphoric acid is used because it is the least harmful for the environment and handling. This technology achieved the high octane yield necessary for gasoline production. Current market behavior analysis was incorporated to maximize profit by selectively choosing the amount of each grade to produce. The design uses distillation towers for separation, heat exchangers to achieve operating conditions, and pumps to deliver material at desired rates. Simulation tools were used to quantify the process based on its thermodynamic and mass transfer properties.

Optimization of Cave Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant

Project number
UA Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Academic year
Wastewater treatment is becoming an increasingly important field with population growth, drought and the looming effects of climate change. Due to these emerging issues, it is imperative to treat our water effectively, in order to reduce our reliance on natural sources.

The team used traditional elements of wastewater treatment, along with creative design, to effectively clean the water. Due to the high number of farms and golf courses in the Cave Creek area, it was also important to cater to these interests of the community. The design of the treatment plant, which adheres to the state of Arizona’s quality standards, was done primarily with Biowin and Microsoft Visio software.

Methanol Production via Bireformation of methane followed by Fischer-Tropsch synthesis

Project number
UA Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Academic year
Natural gas is primarily methane, a greenhouse gas that is harmful to the environment. The team designed a process to synthesize natural gas into the useful – and much less harmful – substance, methanol. This is created via the bi-reforming of methane followed by a Fisher-Tropsch (FT) synthesis. The process could be applied at any landfill or livestock area producing methane. More in-depth analysis was done for large-scale production in partnership with a local fueling station in Fort Worth, Texas.

The process uses steam methane reformation and dry methane reformation processes running in parallel, with their respective product streams merged before being sent to the Fisher-Tropsch synthesis. This produces syngas with a hydrogen/carbon monoxide molar ratio closer to 2:1, the optimal feed stream to the Fischer-Tropsch gas-to-liquid synthesis. Optimized nickel-based and iron-based catalysts were used to increase the methanol production and make the process more economically sustainable.

Saving energy for Red River biorefinery

Project number
UA Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Academic year
The distillation system at Red River Biorefinery has issues with its anhydrous ethanol production rate and energy consumption. Using design of experiments techniques, the team ran the system through ASPEN and Minitab software to find optimal ways to improve the system. These methods helped find and analyze potential changes that could reduce energy usage and increase product output, while keeping modification cost minimal.

The analysis showed that changing the reflux ratio, feed temperature, operating temperature and pressure improved efficiency by increasing the production rate of anhydrous ethanol. The team also found that changing the feed temperature and reflux ratio had the largest impact on increasing production, while maintaining its purity and lowering energy consumption.

Proton Exchange Polynorbornyl Membrane for a Fuel Cell

Project number
UA Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Academic year
This proton exchange membrane (PEM) can be used in fuel cell applications, efficiently providing clean electricity to power items like cars, houses and generators. Fuel cells, along with other electrochemical devices, rely on the electrolyte inside to transfer a charge. By improving the electrolyte’s ability to operate at higher temperatures – up to 200 degrees Celsius – and with minimal external systems, higher conduction rates can be realized.

This functionalization process was developed in the laboratory with small-scale fuel cell testing. The team created a series of chemical baths for the PEM which facilitate amine-phosphate reactions within the polymer that allow for optimal proton conduction rates. The conduction rate was obtained by measuring current and voltage production from the experimental fuel cell using PowerSuite software. The experimental findings were applied to an industrial scale to develop a process that produces 382m2 of functionalized PEM a year.

Protein Bars Supplemented with Extracted Mealworm Protein

Project number
UA Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Academic year
Animal husbandry for food production has become an environmental concern due to the high consumption of scarce resources such as land, water and energy. Entomophagy, the practice of eating insects, is a growing area of study for its potential to help alleviate this food crisis. So the team developed a process to make a nutrition bar supplemented with mealworm protein.

Current products on the market generally use insects that are ground into a flour. Instead, the team determined a process for chemically extracting fat and protein from the mealworms. Experimentation determined the optimal conditions for the extraction while minimizing product waste. The fat was first separated using food-grade ethanol as an organic solvent. Then, protein was extracted through pH manipulation using sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid. The overall process was optimized by maximizing recycled utilities and raw materials to reduce waste, energy and cost.

Water Filtration System for Heavy Metal and Bacterial Removal on the Navajo Nation

Project number
UA Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Academic year
Due to the lack of existing public water infrastructure, uranium and arsenic concentrations in drinking water pose a variety of health risks to the Navajo people. The unregulated water sources are often contaminated with bacteria as well. This project aims to provide a water filtration unit capable of reducing uranium, arsenic and coliform bacteria below the limits set by the EPA.

The filtration system consists of an adsorption column with packed beds of chitosan and granular activated carbon. The system’s pump is powered by a battery that is charged by a stationary bicycle. The team created a prototype of the unit, as well as synthetic water representative of the region’s groundwater chemistry, to test adsorption capacity for heavy metals and the lifespan of chitosan. The project applied principles of fluid mechanics and mass transfer operations to optimize filtration efficiency and energy consumption. The unit complies with EPA and tribal laws for potable water and hazardous waste disposal.

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